bein sports max1 channel offers a group of football matches throughout the day

bein sports max1 channel offers a group of football matches throughout the day

bein sports max 1 channel offers a group of football matches throughout the day

Starting from 11pm until 1am, and continuing to present matches in successive periods every two hours until 11pm the following day. Matches are broadcast consecutively at the following times: from 1am to 3am, from 3am to 5am, from 5am to 7am, from 7am to 9am, and so on until the end of the day, providing football fans with the opportunity to follow the matches throughout the day.

BeIN Sports Max 2 broadcasts football-related programmes around the clock, with segments starting at different times, from 3:00 AM to 1:00 AM, and each segment lasting for two hours, in a continuous sequence of content for football fans.

The football matches schedule on beIN Sports Max 3 starts at 23:00 and continues until 01:00, then matches are shown every two hours until reaching the period between 21:00 and 23:00. After that, a new matches schedule starts from 23:00 to 01:00 the next day, where matches are shown continuously every two hours on this channel.

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